The following Rules apply to any and all Challenges Projects administered by TechConnect Ventures (“TechConnect” or “Organizer”). In order to participate in this project, you (“You” or “Participant”) are required to read and understand the terms of this Agreement and the Supplementary Guidance (“Guidance”) published on TechConnect’s project website.

ORGANIZER AND SPONSOR. TechConnect Ventures (“TechConnect” or “Organizer”) is the administrator for this ChallengeProject. The client referred to on the project page (“Sponsor”) is the Sponsor for this project.


(a) This project is governed solely by this Agreement and Guidance.

(b) By submitting an Entry (“Entry”, “Response”, “Submission”) to and participatonparticipation in this ChallengeProject, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE AGREEMENT AND GUIDANCE, WHICH TOGETHER CONSTITUTE A BINDING AGREEMENT between the Participant and the Organizer. The Sponsorclient is a third-party beneficiary of this ChallengeProject. By your entry and participation in the challengeProject you agree to be bound by these rules.

(c) It is the Participant’s responsibility to remain informed as to any changes to the Agreement and Guidance. In the event of any question or matter arising out of any point not expressly provided for in any of the Agreement and Guidance documents, if available, the decision of the Organizer shall be final. In the event of any dispute regarding the Agreement, Guidance, or any matter relating to the project, the Organizer’s decision shall be final and unchallengeable, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into, comment issued, or reason given in respect of any decision made by the Organizer.  Should there be any conflict between this Agreement and any Guidance documents, this Agreement takes precedence.

(d) Participants are responsible for compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to your participation in this ChallengeProject. Participants are responsible for abiding by their employer’s policies regarding participation in this ChallengeProject. Participants are responsible for all taxes and reporting related to any award received as part of the ChallengeProject.

Should a project offer financial awards, all winning entries are subject to verification of eligibility to win prizes under federal guidelines. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they and their submission are in full compliance with all relevant local, regional or national regulations in their country. Check with your local authorities concerning questions about your eligibility. Any winning submissions found to be in violation of prize regulations in their locale will be offered the option to be acknowledged as a winner without receiving a cash prize or will be disqualified from the ChallengeProject without exception.

(e) Organizers disclaim any and all liability or responsibility for disputes arising between you, your employer and any other party related to this ChallengeProject on its behalf and that of the Sponsor.

2. PARTICIPANT: Participant is the Submitter of each Entry and is solely responsible to receive all communications from Organizer related to this ChallengeProject and to ensure compliance with this Agreement and Guidance.

3. PROJECT DATES: All relevant dates regarding the project will be clearly stated on the project page for public review. These dates include, but are not limited to:

  • Submission open date
  • Submission close date
  • Informational sessions (if offered)
  • Anticipated winners announcement (if applicable)

Organizer reserves the right to make all necessary and required changes to project dates as needed. In the event of modifications to project schedules, Organizer shall update all public-facing documentation to reflect new dates. While Organizer may attempt to notify interested parties about new dates, it is the responsibility of the Participant to remain informed about any and all changes to the timeline.  

To be considered a participant in the ChallengeProject, individuals or teams must submit their non-confidential response via the ChallengeProject website. No other means of entry will be considered. 

The project is open to receive responses when the submission mechanism is activated, typically, but not always, on the date of publication. All submissions must be received electronically prior to the date and time identified as the submission deadline. Late entries will not be considered. As noted, dates subject to change.  

4.  ELIGIBILITY: Participation in projects is free and, in general, open to all individuals and teams. Some projects may have specific constraints which will be delineated in the specific rules for that project. Participants are instructed to verify their own eligibility to participate by consulting any project-specific rules offered. Should a Participant have questions or concerns regarding their eligibility, they are instructed to contact OrganizerTechConnect promptly via the communication methods presented on the project page. Any submissions deemed ineligible by OrganizerTechConnect will not be presented to Sponsorclient representatives and will not be considered for further engagement and/or financial awards, if any. 

All Participants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or, if the legal age of majority in his or her jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry is greater than eighteen (18) years of age, then such greater legal age of majority, or must have a written authorization from a parent or legal guardian. 

If proof of citizenship is required for participation in a project, such requirements and suitable documentation will be provided in the project-specific rules. 

Participants, including but not limited to, companies (small to large), academic researchers, other research institutes, accelerators, incubators, technology transfer firms, consultants, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, or inventors are welcome. Entries from teams and collaborative groups of Participants (“Teams”) are welcome. Entries from students or student teams are welcome, provided that the individual submitting the response complies with the minimum age requirement set forth above. For all Teams, a primary contact must be designated for the Entries and any follow-up communications. Organizer is not responsible for any engagement of or communication with Team members not designated as the primary contact. Organizer shall not be held responsible for or party to any teaming agreements, verbal, written or implied, between members of a Team in generation or Entry. All working relationships, including any distribution or sharing of any awards, including prize money, related to your Team are your own.

Employees and family members of OrganizerTechConnect or Advanced Technologies International (ATI) and any of their respective affiliates and subsidiaries are not eligible to enter this project.

5. HOW TO ENTER: To enter, you must submit an Entry through the designated Submission Page on TechConnectOrganizer’s website and complete the online response form provided. TechConnectOrganizer’s website will provide further instructions, requirements, criteria, fillable fields, uploads and other details regarding the required submission format. All Entries must be in English, without exception. Where applicable, Entry attachments may be submitted in .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, docx, .ppt, .pptx, or .mp4 formats. All Entries must be submitted through the TechConnectOrganizer’s ChallengeProject website submission page by:

  • Completing all fields of the submission (or registration) form;
  • Uploading any required files via the provided upload field at the time the Entry is submitted;
  • Completing submission by clicking the “Submit” button.

To be eligible to participate, a complete and compliant submission must be received electronically as indicated on TechConnectOrganizer’s project website by the published submission deadline. Late Entries will not be considered. Dates are subject to change.

Entries submitted in any other manner than that described above shall be considered ineligible. Organizers will not accept any Entries or attachments submitted via email, physical mail, courier, fax, or otherwise, or that are submitted beyond the deadline.

Unless indicated elsewise, multiple entries are permitted. Entries will be reviewed independently and shall have no bearing on the review of additional Entries submitted by the Participant, except in the case of a breach of this Agreement resulting in a disqualification of the Participant.

By submitting an Entry, you agree that (a) all required fields are complete and all information in your Entry is correct and accurate; and (b) your registration may be rejected or terminated, and all Entries submitted by you may be disqualified if any of the information provided is (or the Organizer has reasonable grounds to believe it is) incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate. All Participants are solely responsible for their Entry. All registration information is deemed collected in the U.S.

The Organizer is not responsible for: (a) late, lost, stolen, damaged, garbled, incomplete, incorrect or misdirected Entries or other communications; (b) errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, or delays in operations or transmission of information, in each case whether arising by way of technical or other failures or malfunctions of computer hardware, software, communications devices, or transmission lines; or (c) data corruption, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of Entry materials, loss or otherwise.

The Organizer is not responsible for electronic communications or emails which are undeliverable as a result of any form of active or passive filtering of any kind, or insufficient space in any email account to receive email messages. The Organizer disclaims any liability for damage to any computer system resulting from participation in or accessing or downloading of information in connection with the ChallengeProject.

Participants are solely responsible for all equipment, expenses, resources, insurance and/or costs incurred by or on behalf of any Participant while participating in the ChallengeProject.


6. ENTRY CRITERIA GUIDELINES: Entry guidelines and descriptions of all items and information required to complete an Entry for the project are available on the project webpage. See the Project webpage for additional details.

7. JUDGING: Entries submitted to the project will be evaluated by a panel comprised of individuals who are competent in the subject matter of the project (the “Judging Panel” or “Judges”). Organizer reserves the right to assign or remove Judges at any time.

Organizer is under no obligation to notify Participants of any changes to the Judging Panel. Organizer is under no obligation to disclose any information about any Judges.

Entries will be evaluated based on compliance with the ChallengeProject requirements, Entry criteria and with the information provided on the ChallengeProject webpage. Judging of Entries will occur after the ChallengeProject Entry deadline and will be completed in advance of the announcement of any winners. All decisions of the Judging Panel, including any decisions to name no winners, will be final and binding on all matters relating to this ChallengeProject.

Judging:  All evaluations and judging will take place inside the United States of America, without exception. Evaluation of responses will begin after the conclusion of the open submission period.

The Winners will be the entries with the highest total points.  In the event of a tie, the Judges will re-judge the tied entries using the Criteria until such time as a winner is determined. The Judges’ decision will be final and binding.  The Winners will be announced according to the timeline established on the ChallengeProject page. Dates subject to change. 

8. AWARDS: The Organizer will announce the ChallengeProject Winners and their respective ChallengeProject award (“Award”) via the TechConnectOrganizer’s ChallengeProject website by the date established on the ChallengeProject page.

There is no offer of a royalty, or other financial compensation implied beyond the award described on the ChallengeProject page. No costs or expenses of a Participant for any aspect of this ChallengeProject will be paid by the Organizer. Each Award Winner is responsible for any and all tax reporting obligations and any and all tax payments as applicable.

9. VERIFICATION OF WINNERS: Unless stated elsewise, Participants are eligible to win multiple Awards provided that the Entries are clearly distinguishable as novel and different from one another as determined by the Judging Panel.

Winning an Award is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth in this Agreement and the ChallengeProject Rules. Each potential Winner must comply with all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and the ChallengeProject Rules and the issuance of its Award is contingent upon fulfilling all of the requirements herein.  Winners will be contacted to provide any proof of eligibility/required documents.  All Winners will be notified by the e-mail address provided in the Entry. Return of any Award notification as “undeliverable” will result in disqualification. The Organizer reserves the right to examine Entries for compliance with this Agreement and Guidance. Failure of a Participant to demonstrate eligibility will result in disqualification.

No substitution or transfer of Award is permitted.

10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) RIGHTS: By submitting an Entry you represent that:

  • The Entry is the original work of the Participant named in the Entry (e.g., individual, team, entity) on whose behalf it is being submitted;
  • You have authority, warrant, and have sufficient rights to submit the Entry on behalf of the identified Participant whether an individual, team, or entity, e.g., a corporation;
  • Use of the Entry for this ChallengeProject does not trigger any financial liability for Organizer or Sponsor; and
  • You warrant that use or manufacture of the subject matter of the Entry, to the best of your knowledge, does not violate the rights, including the intellectual property rights, of any third party as recognized by controlling law.

Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless Organizer for any claim arising out its duties as required by the Sponsor and occasioned by a breach of any of the representations in this Section. 

By accepting any ChallengeProject award, each Participant thereby agrees to use of his/her name, city/state, likeness and/or ChallengeProject award information, a synopsis of the Entry by Sponsor, or Organizer solely on behalf of the Sponsor, for promotional purposes in conjunction with this ChallengeProject in any medium without additional compensation.

Use of Marks: Except as expressly set forth herein Participants shall not use the names, trademarks, service marks, seals, logos, insignias, trade dress, or any other designation of source or origin subject to legal protection, copyrighted material or similar IP (“Marks”) of Organizer or Sponsors in any way without such party’s prior written permission in each instance, which such party may grant or withhold in its sole and absolute discretion. 

11. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: You acknowledge that any and all information included in your submission materials is non-confidential and non-proprietary in nature. You acknowledge that inclusion of any materials identified as “confidential” or “proprietary” or deemed to be such by the Organizer will result in immediate disqualification of that submission from consideration in the ChallengeProject. You acknowledge that the Organizer may share the details of your Entry with designated third parties (e.g., Sponsor, Judges) for purposes as described in this Agreement and ChallengeProject announcement.

12. PARTICIPANT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION AND PRIVACY: By entering the ChallengeProject, each Participant is required to provide, and consents to the collection, retention, and use of, his or her personal information in accordance with the Organizer’s Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), available at The Organizer will use the information provided for purposes described in the Privacy Policy, as well as in administering the ChallengeProject, notifying the Participant if selected to win a prize, and publicizing the name and/or likeness of the Winner, to the extent permitted by applicable law. The Organizer may update or change the Privacy Policy from time to time. Any change to the Privacy Policy will become effective when the Organizer posts the revised Privacy Policy on the link above. Each Participant is encouraged to periodically review the Privacy Policy to stay informed about how the Organizer collects, uses, and shares personal information.

By participating and submitting an entry, participant expressly consents and agrees that Organizer and any other participating parties are authorized to contact participant via email or any other form of media to make participant aware of information pertinent to the ChallengeProject, and to distribute information regarding the Organizer featured products, special events or offers, or purchase incentives, provided participant has opted-in to receive such information. Participants may opt-out of any further email communication at any time by simply following the provided opt-out instructions in email.  

13. WARRANTIES: By submitting an Entry, you represent and warrant that, the Entry: does not contain malicious code, viruses, malware, timebombs, cancelbots, worms, Trojan horses or other potentially harmful programs or other material or information; and Submission of the Entry does not violate applicable law or regulation.

A breach of any warranty or representation may result in the corresponding Entry being invalidated and/or Participant being disqualified under this ChallengeProject.


(a)   Release:  By participating in the ChallengeProject, Participant agrees to release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Organizer, and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, advertising agencies, prize providers, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the ChallengeProject or receipt or use or misuse of an Award or any other prize associated with the ChallengeProject. Except where prohibited, participation in the ChallengeProject constitutes the consent of a Winner to the Organizer’s and Sponsor’s and their representatives’ or agents’ use of the Winner’s name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions, biographical data, and/or contact information for promotional and other internal or external marketing purposes in any media, worldwide, without further compensation.  

(b)   Limitation of Liability: The Released Parties are not responsible for: (i) lost, late, stolen, misdirected, damaged, illegible, incomplete, garbled, or undelivered entries; (ii) fraud, technical problems, failures, malfunctions, or for any other technical problems or malfunctions associated with any telephone lines, computer systems, servers, provider hardware/software, lost or unavailable network connections or failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions or any combination thereof; (iii) any damage to any Participant’s computer system/software related to or resulting from any participation or activity in connection with the ChallengeProject; or (iv) any incorrect or inaccurate information provided, published, or printed or any other factor beyond the Organizer’s control that impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the ChallengeProject as determined by Organizer in its sole discretion. THE RELEASED PARTIES (X) MAKE NO WARRANTY, GUARANTY, OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE AWARD (OR ANY PORTION THEREOF), AND (Y) DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY. 

15. NO OBLIGATION: You acknowledge that multiple Participants may submit Entries that contain concepts, approaches, or technologies similar to your Entry and that the Organizer, Sponsor, and/or their respective subsidiaries and partners may already be investigating or developing solutions or have business activities that are related to or similar to those disclosed in your Entry. You acknowledge that Organizer’s actions with respect to another Entry or one of its own solutions, investigations, or business activities, even if similar to your Entry, shall not create any liability of any kind by Organizer to you or others. Further, the Organizer is not or shall not be restricted in any way from pursuing, developing, or commercializing, in any way that they see fit, independent of you and at its sole discretion, any activity or technology that is created independent of your Entry. For the avoidance of doubt, you acknowledge that the Organizer is not obligated to take any action whatsoever with regard to your Entry.

16. SEVERABILITY: The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement and Guidance shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, this Agreement and Guidance shall otherwise remain in effect and be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision was not contained herein.


18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This is the parties’ entire Agreement on this matter, superseding all previous negotiations or agreements and can only be modified by written agreement.

19. APPLICABLE LAW: You agree that this Agreement and Guidance and the relationship between you and Organizers shall be governed and construed under the laws of the State of South Carolina, U.S. Any action against the Sponsor is subject to Federal law. You acknowledge and agree that all aspects and content of your Entry, including all information, developments, inventions, and works of authorship, shall be treated as if made in the U.S. and U.S. laws relating to patents, inventions, assignments, and innovation compensation shall supersede the relevant laws of any country in which the Entry may have been conceived, developed, or reduced to practice.

Each Participant agrees that: (i) any and all disputes, claims, or causes of action arising out of or connected with the ChallengeProject or any Award shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina.

20. CONTEST RESULTS:  For an official winners list, after the posted date of the winners announcement, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: ATTN: Ashley Heffernan, Re: TechConnectOrganizer ChallengeProject, Advanced Technology International, 315 Sigma Drive, Summerville, SC 29486.

21. SPONSOR ADDRESS: Advanced Technology International, 315 Sigma Drive, Summerville, SC 29486