2021 Metaverse Technologies

Due: Year of 2021

The universe is the sum total of all physical reality from subatomic particles to clusters of galaxies and humanity in-between. The metaverse, on the other hand, consists of the intangible virtual reality universe: those items, experiences, and locations which reside primarily on server farms.

Our client seeks technologies which enable, support, or expand the metaverse or which deliver access to the metaverse to consumers. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Software or hardware which accelerates or expands metaverse access to broader populations
  • Software or hardware which provides digital access to new physical spaces
  • Digital transaction mechanisms
  • Innovations in social media
  • Gaming, entertainment, or communications infrastructure for digital environments
  • Avatar management
  • Exclusively digital enterprise/business opportunities
  • Digital twins
  • Software or hardware that expands capabilities of existing devices already in-market
  • Immersive content creation and applications for interaction with the metaverse
  • Improved digital connections to foster consumer participation in the metaverse
  • Improved physical connections to improve productivity and communications across a global landscape

This is a rapid identification project. We strongly encourage Interested respondents to submit a response promptly. We will review submissions and evaluate on an ongoing basis.


Solution providers should complete the standard submission application and take care to highlight key innovation areas that address:

  • Type of technology,
  • Anticipated application, and
  • Technical maturity