2020 Summer Wearables and Sensors Series

Deadline: Summer of 2020

The Wearables and Sensors Sprint Series will feature fast-tracked Innovation Challenges seeking novel solutions focused on technologies related to sensor monitoring and analytics, wearable devices, and in some cases integration between the two. These sprints target the strategic areas of application of wearables for personal health and thermal management monitoring, as well as portable sensors and 3D visualization of sensor data.

Wearable biometric sensors for real-time health or performance monitoring

In collaboration with a Non-Profit Leader in R&D collaboration management, TechConnect is seeking novel materials, textiles and technologies that can enable the measurement and monitoring of performance metrics, physiological health and/or medical diagnostics in smart apparel or personal, wearable devices.

Innovators from every sector are invited to submit a response, including – but not limited to – universities, national labs, non-profits, consultants, start-ups, small business and medium to large corporations.

Wearable biosensors have received increasing attention over the past decade with emphasis in the medical and healthcare industry to measure critical physiological signals such as blood pressure, heart rate, hydration, respiratory rate, and skin temperature, among others. These metrics are essential for care and real-time evaluations of chronic conditions, effective monitoring during traumatic events, or after-treatment and therapeutic care. Incorporation of biosensors into garments and accessories such as for clothing, helmets, and bandages as well as stretchable electronic devices have increased their utility and significantly improved clinicians’ ability to monitor and even diagnose patients from afar. Expanded use of these technologies has direct applications for continuous monitoring of individual health characteristics for any number of situations, including in-field workers, public safety personnel, athletes, the military and much more.


TechConnect invites any and all solutions for a wearable device that can measure and monitor any of a wide array of biomarkers. The ideal solution will:

  1. Prioritize lightweight and comfort
  2. Enable remote monitoring
  3. Monitor an array of physiological markers that target general health such as temperature, heart rate and variability, hydration, pulse, blood pressure
Potential Solutions

TechConnect is seeking potential partners of all types and from all industries to propose solutions that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Measures key biometric parameters associated with general health
  • Can be worn during significant periods of physical exertion
  • Realtime data capture that can be remotely monitored
  • Lightweight and unobtrusive
  • Measures key biometric parameters associated with general health
  • Rugged and durable in harsh environmental conditions
  • Realtime data capture that can be remotely monitored

Visualization or 3D-mapping of environmental chemical sensor data

In collaboration with a Non-Profit Leader in R&D collaboration management, TechConnect is seeking innovative solutions that enable the visualization or 3D mapping of real-time data inputs to monitor, measure, and visualize chemical vapor release in the atmosphere.

Innovators from every sector are invited to submit a response, including – but not limited to – universities, national labs, non-profits, consultants, start-ups, small business and medium to large corporations.

Sensing and monitoring of atmospheric chemical agents (including pollutants and toxins) are essential elements of risk detection and management for workers in many environments (power and energy, mining, hazard response, military, etc.). As sensor hardware becomes more sophisticated in its ability to detect a variety of analytes in real-time, the analysis, interpretation and visualization of this data becomes essential to translate into meaningful and timely action. Effective visualization and mapping is particularly important in predicting the spread and future state (e.g. location, distribution, concentration, trajectory, etc.) of such agents in order to provide warnings or mitigation tactics.

The objective of this request is to identify innovative approaches for accurate 3-D mapping or visualization of the concentration and distribution of atmospheric agents in (near) real-time. Potential solutions should focus primarily on data visualization, such as through processing algorithms, image processing, or hyperspectral data analysis. However, descriptions of fully integrated systems (particularly for chemical sensors) are of considerable interest. Please note that for the purposes of this Sprint, solutions – full or partial – applicable to mapping any target analyte with a high degree of confidence are of interest, including those broadly applicable to atmospheric pollutants, gases, toxins, synthetic chemicals, and hazardous chemical agents.


Submissions describing technologies at every stage from concept through commercial product are invited. Ideal responses will include a discussion of any or all of the following requirements:

  1. Ability to rapidly visualize one or more of:
    1. An existing cloud or distribution
    2. A release event in (near) real-time
    3. A cloud and its progression in (near) real-time
  2. Ability to discriminate by concentration distribution
  3. Compatibility with large data sets
  4. Discussion of the chemical analytes for which the approach applies

Portable, low footprint devices for detecting toxic synthetic chemicals

In collaboration with a Non-Profit Leader in R&D collaboration management, TechConnect is seeking novel, portable sensing devices capable of detecting toxic synthetic chemicals, such as chemical warfare agents.Innovators from every sector are invited to submit a response, including – but not limited to – universities, national labs, non-profits, consultants, start-ups, small business and medium to large corporations.

Detection of chemical warfare agents is essential for the safety of military, and increasingly, civilian personnel.  There are many aspects to effective detection, and successful protection, such as rapid detection at low concentrations, accuracy, selectivity, efficient monitoring of spread, and quick recovery time.  For field applications, a small portable unit that can be rapidly deployed and moved around to areas of concern is critical.   However, many of the current technologies available for chemical warfare detection involve large and complicated instrumentation that can be challenging to operate while interpreting measurements through various spectroscopic, colorimetric, and/or ionization-based methods. 

The objective of this request is to identify technologies and other alternative solutions that can quickly detect and identify chemical warfare agents with a solution that is portable, easy to operate, and straightforward to interpret. 


Submissions describing technologies at every stage from concept through commercial product are invited. Ideal technologies will address any or all of the following requirements:

  1. Detect one or more of the following:
    1. Nerve agents
    2. Blister agents
    3. Cyanogenic agents
    4. Pulmonary agents
    5. Other hazardous synthetic agents, warfare agents, chemicals or toxins
      1. Solvers please specify in your response
  2. Provide rapid response (less than 60 seconds)
  3. Small footprint (compatible with either small vehicle mounted or handheld operation)
  4. Durable enough for outdoor use and transportation over rough terrain
  5. Compatible with continuous, long-term use (up to 8 hours or more)
  6. Resists interference from environment and other analytes
  7. Emphasizes ease of set-up, ease of use and user convenience

TechConnect and the client acknowledge that highly viable sensing capabilities and devices may exist for other, unrelated chemical applications in addition to those of chemical warfare agents listed above. Responses featuring such technologies are of considerable interest, as well. However, submissions describing these technologies should seek to address any research, development or optimization that would be required to adapt the existing technology for the clients intended application and analytes.

Potential Solutions

Technologies of interest for this Sprint include, but are not limited to:

  • Handheld devices
  • Miniaturized devices
  • Vehicle mounted detection equipment
  • Drone, UAV or ROV-mounted equipment
  • Printed or wearable sensors
  • Mobile device-integrated solutions
  • Solutions linked to aerial surveillance mechanisms

Heating and cooling technologies for personal wearable applications

In collaboration with a Non-Profit Leader in R&D collaboration management, TechConnect is seeking innovative thermal management technologies and materials that enable heating and/or cooling capabilities for personal apparel, accessories, protective gear and wearable devices. Both active and passive technologies are of considerable interest to the client.

Innovators from every sector are invited to submit a response, including – but not limited to – universities, national labs, non-profits, consultants, start-ups, small business and medium to large corporations.

The ability to individually regulate one’s thermal environment is an increasingly complex and important feature in next-generation apparel and wearable technologies, particularly for applications in hazardous or extreme environments. By maintaining optimal temperatures, these technologies may have the ability to boost personal performance metrics, including response time and cognitive performance.  With the advent of stretchable electronics and smart materials, TechConnect Ventures’ client believe that a new generation of smart thermally regulating solutions may be emerging across the consumer and industrial sectors.

The objective of this request is to identify emerging technologies, innovations and other alternative solutions that can deliver heating or cooling capabilities in challenging thermal environments.  Durable, self-powered, comfortable and lightweight solutions that deliver thermal regulation for long time periods are especially desired.  Devices that produce either heating, cooling or both will be considered. 


TechConnect invites any and all solutions for a wearable device that can measure and monitor any of a wide array of biomarkers. Submissions should seek to address any or all of the following client requirements:

  1. Ability to maintain setpoint, safe-for-skin temperatures for the duration of use
  2. Have a clear application for wearables, including all manner of apparel and garments, gloves, shoes, boots, helmets, wristwear, etc.
  3. Operate in a variety of environmental conditions including temperature and weather
  4. Be self-powered or powered by another readily-available wearable power source
  5. Reliably operate for long periods of time
  6. Wherever possible, prioritize lightweighting and personal comfort
Potential Solutions

TechConnect is seeking potential partners of all types and from all industries to propose solutions that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Active cooling systems
  • Devices (wearable or garment integrated)
  • Miniaturized systems
  • Advanced materials and smart materials solutions of all types
  • Passive cooling materials, textiles, fibers fabrics, etc.
  • Printable technologies
  • Novel thermally-responsive materials and systems

TechConnect and its client will evaluate all responses. Based on the nature of the innovation and strength of the response relative to all submissions received, top innovators may be selected for further discussions or pitches which may lead to contractual or commercial engagements for the research, development or commercialization of the most promising technologies.