2021 Winter COVID-19 Technology Series

Deadline: Winter of 2021

The COVID-19 Sprint Series seeks to address both established and emerging technical challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, particularly with the ability to facilitate and accelerate the “return to normal”. Sponsored Sprints under this Series will seek innovations across broad ranging sectors including biomedical, healthcare, hospitality, travel, personal care and more.

Biodegradable or bio-compostable materials for single-use wipes

In support of multiple global industrial partners, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing biodegradable or bio-compostable materials for single-use, disposable wet wipes. Wet wipes are widely used in a variety of applications including personal care, baby care, sanitization/disinfection, and personal hygiene. Their use for sanitization and disinfection has become especially prominent with the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020, a trend which is expected to remain strong even after the current health crisis abates. 

The goal of this sprint is to identify materials and technologies that can delivery sustainable single-use wipes that meet growing demands in the consumer, commercial, and regulatory sectors without compromise of performance.  Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations at all levels are invited, including the academia, research, commercial and government sectors.


Solvers submitting an Entry should are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission, that meet criteria including:

  • Bio-sourced source material (e.g. unprocessed cellulose, paper, cotton, algal, other biologicals, etc.)
  • Effective disinfection of contaminated surfaces, including casual and non-medical environments
    • Compatible with standard cleaners, disinfectants and decontamination solutions
    • Demonstrates strong liquid retention for use on-demand
    • Non-abrasive, safe to touch, etc.
  • Should demonstrate one or more eco-friendly characteristics, such as:
    • Fully recyclable
    • Compostable under at-home or standard landfill conditions
    • Flushable or disposable through standard plumbing without clogging pipes, sewers, etc.
    • Plastic-free solutions are of interest

Novel materials or media for micro-/nano-particulate filtration

In support of multiple global industrial partners, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing novel materials and media for filtration of micro- or nano-sized particulates, including airborne pathogens. With the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there has been an increased demand for innovations that can reliably filter particulates (including virus) in both the industrial and general consumer sectors (e.g. face masks, PPE, etc.) through a variety of mechanisms (mechanical, electrostatic, hybrid), including:

  • Filters at least ≥95% of particles that are greater than 3 microns in diameter [required]
  • Filters at least ≥95%  particles that are greater than 0.3 microns in diameter [desired]

TechConnect has significant reason to believe that next-generation solutions may already exist with these capabilities including:

  • Natural and synthetic materials
  • Woven, non-woven, bonded, and knit materials
  • Maintains filtration abilities in variety of environments such as humidity and heat
  • Materials that can be re-used or washed

Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations at all levels are invited, including the academia, research, commercial and government sectors.


Solvers submitting an Entry should are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission, with particular focus on (if applicable) performance, reliability, biocompatibility, comfort, fit, and reusability, including:

  • Discussion of end application or use
  • High filtration efficiency of particle sizes 0.1um – 3um.
  • Durability
  • Maintains performance in variety of environments such as humidity and heat
  • For mask applications,
    • Flexible, adjustable or moldable
    • Does not inhibit normal respiration
    • Reusable, washable, or compatible with disinfection techniques for long-term use

Enabling technologies, manufacturing techniques, material treatments, coatings or other innovations that can improve the performance or useability of existing filter technologies are of considerable interest for this Sprint.

Continuously self-cleaning surfaces and coatings

In support of multiple global industrial partners, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing continuously self-cleaning surfaces and coatings for applications in high traffic or public environments.  High touch surfaces, such as those common in the travel, hospitality, education and healthcare sectors, are subject to extremely high cleanliness standards requiring constant, routine attention.  With the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there has been a renewed urgency to identify viable, effective surfaces and surface-altering technologies which are continuously clean and contaminant-free. The goal of this Sprint is to identify novel materials, coatings, or surface modifications (including surface-altering techniques) that readily eliminate or reject contaminants (e.g. bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc.) without intensive external intervention or cleaning.

Relevant innovations may include materials, coatings or functional surfaces (anti-adhesive, antimicrobial, superhydrophobic, stimulus-responsive, etc.). Surfaces or activated surfaces which require casual wipe down with water or exposure to UV light to activate or clean a surface are also considered within the scope of this call.  Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations at all levels are invited, including academia, research, commercial, and government.


Solvers submitting an Entry should are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission, with particular focus on (if applicable) surfaces and materials that are:

  • Safe and non-toxic
  • Do not require chemical cleaning
  • Self-cleaning with water, light, or other stimulus
  • Self-cleaning without water
  • Durable, robust, and damage-resistant
  • Easy implementation/application to various shaped surfaces such as door handles, push bars, grocery checkout counters, etc.

Sustainable, biocompatible materials for personal protective equipment

In support of multiple global industrial partners, TechConnect Ventures is calling for Entries describing sustainable, biocompatible materials for use in personal protective equipment (PPE).  The increased use of PPE (specifically disposable masks, gloves, and face shields) since the onset of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020 has renewed calls for effective alternatives that do not rely on fossil-fuel derived materials such as polyester, polyethylene, or other polymers.

The goal of this Sprint is to identify innovations – including materials, processing methods or novel manufacturing techniques – that can accelerate the adoption of PPE products that address the growing demand for sustainability in the consumer, commercial, and regulatory sectors without compromise of performance. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations at all levels are invited, including the academia, research, commercial and government sectors.


Solvers submitting an Entry should are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission, with particular focus on (if applicable) materials that maintain protection and performance:

  • Recyclability or reusability of end-product
  • Recyclability or reusability of raw materials
  • Compostability/biodegradability under at-home conditions
  • Biopolymers for disposable PPE
  • Other bio-sourced materials for fibers such as linen, bamboo, hemp
  • Green advanced manufacturing methods (e.g. 3-D printing)
  • PPE solutions sourced from recycled materials are of interest

Business Opportunity For Solvers

All complete and eligible Entries will be included in an exclusive Innovation Opportunity Report that will be presented to our consortium of innovation-seeking clients and partners. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by clients to discuss potential partnership opportunities. Top-rated Entries may also be invited to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.


TechConnect and the members of its COVID-19 coalition will review all submissions within 4-6 weeks of the Submission Deadline. Based on the nature of the innovation and strength of the response relative to all submissions received, top innovators may be selected for further discussions, pitches or proposals which may lead to contractual or commercial engagements for the research, development or commercialization of the most promising technologies.