2025 Lactose Polymerization Technologies Sprint

Deadline: February 26, 2025


A multi-billion-dollar global food and beverage company seeks innovative technologies for converting lactose into a dairy-based stabilizer. Enzymatic or fermentation approaches are strongly preferred, but other approaches are potentially of interest.


Many foods, such as ice cream and cream cheese, rely on stabilizing agents to maintain the smooth textures demanded by consumers. Stabilizers are often gum-based and derived from plants or fermented by bacteria.

TechConnect’s client, a leader in the global food and beverage space, would like to replace existing gum-based stabilizers with a dairy-based one. Specifically, the client would like to identify a technology able to convert lactose into a stabilization agent suitable for use in various food applications.

Enzymatic and fermentation technologies are of greatest interest but all approaches capable of converting lactose into a functional stabilizer are potentially of interest. Proposed approaches should be sustainable in nature and permit clean labeling for finished goods.

Ideally, the process will generate a liquid stabilization agent, but powdered end-products are also of interest.

Technologies should be ready for pilot-scale evaluation by Q3 2025 with the ability to offer samples for evaluation by Q4 2025. Less mature technologies may be considered if promising performance is anticipated.

To assist with the development and implementation of proposed technologies of interest, the client is prepared to make its own pilot facility available for use, should it be needed. Details about pilot-scale evaluation and samples will be determined jointly by the client and select respondents.

The client intends to utilize its own in-house dairy production facilities to supply lactose for conversion. Consequently, approaches offering to supply lactose or lactose-based stabilizers are not of interest.


TechConnect encourages solvers submitting an entry to highlight capabilities in their submission that meet criteria including:

  • Description of proposed approach
  • Information on output:
    • Current
    • Anticipated when optimized
  • Format of stabilizing agent
    • Liquid or powder
  • Technical maturity
  • Ability to conduct pilot-scale testing
  • Availability of samples
  • Background and experience of proposing team
  • Desired collaboration with client

Business Opportunity for Solvers

TechConnect will include all complete and eligible entries in an exclusive report to our client. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by either TechConnect or the client to discuss potential partnership opportunities, including – but not limited to – demonstrations, consulting, contract research, licensing, and more. We may also invite top-rated entries to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.