2021 Summer Advanced Materials Series

Deadline: Summer of 2021

The Advanced Materials Sprint Series will feature fast-tracked Innovation Challenges seeking innovative material solutions with applications in virtually every industry discipline. Sprints may also target strategic themes in the material innovation sector, such as lightweighting, sustainability, performance, nanotechnology, and much more!

Sustainable Films and Coatings for Paperboard

In support of several packaging companies, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing innovations and emerging approaches for sustainable films or coatings that can be applied to paperboard. Traditional films and coatings, such as those commonly added for barrier protection or to modify structural integrity, are often made of petroleum-based chemicals or negatively impact the recyclability of the finished paperboard product. To counteract this, the clients for this Sprint are interested in:

  • Films or coatings produced from
    • Bio-sourced chemicals or
    • Raw materials obtained from recycled waste streams.
  • Films or coatings that permit recycling via conventional methods

A film or coating that is both produced via a sustainable method and which permits standard recycling practices is of greatest interest to the clients however partial solutions remain within scope.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.

Areas of Interest

Our clients are interested in all sustainably produced films and coatings or those that allow recycling via conventional methods. Relevant areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Bio-based polymers such as:
    • PHA
    • PLA
  • Bioplastics such as:
    • Bio-PET
    • Bio-propylene
  • Raw materials derived from waste streams via:
    • Chemical recycling
    • Enzymatic recycling
    • Thermal recycling
  • Films/coatings that permit conventional recycling approaches

Innovative Gas Barrier Technologies and Materials

In support of a diverse consortium of companies, TechConnect Ventures is seeking proposals describing innovative materials or technologies which provide superior gas barrier performance versus current approaches. Barriers against gas permeation are necessary for a diverse range of industries and applications from construction and consumer goods packaging to medical devices. The inclusion of barrier technologies helps maintain the integrity, lifetime, or functionality of a product by preventing the transmission of targeted gases, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, volatile organics, or water vapor, either into or out of a product.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.

Areas Of Interest

Our clients are interested in all gas barrier approaches and materials. Relevant areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • New materials for usage as gas barrier layers targeting a single gas
  • Approaches that combine technologies targeting multiple gases at once
  • Multilayer structures including stacked and/or hybrid coatings
  • Nanocomposite materials to inhibit gas permeability
  • New methods for the application of gas barrier layers to plastics and paperboard
  • Improved performance of existing gas barrier technologies
  • Improved recyclability/biodegradability of existing gas barrier technologies
  • Gas barrier materials made of renewable materials
  • New approaches or materials which resolve previously unaddressed target gases

Emerging Insulation Materials for Cold Storage and Transportation

In support of several packaging companies, TechConnect is seeking responses describing materials which exhibit superior insulative properties towards cold temperatures. Cold thermal insulation materials are relevant for a wide array of transportation needs for durable goods including food, pharmacological substances, and transplant. Insulation, commonly in the form of a foamed solid such as polystyrene, reduces heat transfer from the colder item to the warmer environment. The clients seek new and innovative materials with low thermal conductivity that are suitable for usage in packaging applications.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.

Areas of Interest

Our clients are interested in all insulative materials. Relevant areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • New materials for usage in foamed-type insulation
  • Sustainable and bio-inspired alternatives to insulation materials such as keratin and nanocellulose
  • Carbon and aluminum-based composites
  • Silica fiber based composites
  • Aerogel based materials
  • Phase change materials
  • Insulative paint or coatings e.g. nano-ceramic based thermal insulation coatings.

Business Opportunity

All complete and eligible Entries will be included in an exclusive Innovation Opportunity Report that will be presented to our consortium of innovation-seeking clients and partners. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by consortium members to discuss potential partnership opportunities. Top-rated Entries may also be invited to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.