2020 Summer Advanced Materials Series

Deadline: Summer of 2020

The Advanced Materials Sprint Series will feature fast-tracked Innovation Challenges seeking innovative material solutions with applications in virtually every industry discipline. Sprints may also target strategic themes in the material innovation sector, such as lightweighting, sustainability, performance, nanotechnology, and much more!

Novel Materials to Enable High-Resolution 3D Printing of Complex Parts

In collaboration with multiple global industrial partners, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing innovative materials, material enhancements and material engineering solutions to enable improved high-resolution additive manufacturing, 3D printing, 4D printing, and/or rapid prototyping that exceeds current standards. The goal of this enhanced resolution in the additive manufacturing process is to create parts (e.g. models, samples, components, spare parts, etc.) that do not require further post-processing or treatment such as machining or drilling. Materials that are applicable to any of the commercial additive manufacturing processes currently available (SLS, FFF, SLA, SLM, EBM) will be considered.


Material innovations addressing any aspects of 3-D printing resolution will be considered including, but not limited to:

  • Improvements in Z resolution
  • Improvements in X/Y resolution
  • Improvements to the overall complexity of the finished, printed part
  • Decreased minimum feature size
  • Layer thickness accuracy and layer ovality
  • Maintain or enhance robustness and durability

This call is open to all Entries that can address the structure and properties of these materials in all commercially available 3-D printing technologies including, but not limited to:

  • Research, prototypes and/or commercial products related to additive manufacturing materials (metals, powders, alloys, ceramics, polymers, shape memory materials, etc.)
  • Materials discovery
  • Computational approaches to simulate material design and performance

In addition to the criteria above, you are highly encouraged to highlight any additional material characteristics or performance properties that differentiate your technology including, but not limited to, low cost manufacturability and environmentally-friendly/sustainable materials and processes.

Sustainable, High-Performance Foams for Packaging Applications

On behalf of multiple Fortune 2000 organizations, TechConnect is issuing this call for innovations in the area of sustainable foam materials. Foams used in packaging and related product applications must adhere to a diverse range of requirements including shock absorption, bracing, blocking, and moldabilty over a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, many high-performing foams require materials and/or manufacturing processes which do not meet the strict, growing demands for sustainability in the consumer, commercial and regulatory sectors.


TechConnect is seeking materials that can be used – or that can be developed and optimized for use in – packaging and related product applications. Solvers submitting an Entry should make efforts to address the following key focus areas in their Submission if applicable:

  • Sourcing of materials/raw materials from bio-based or renewable materials
  • Energy-efficiency of production
  • Minimization of carbon footprint
  • Reusability or recyclability
  • Ease of disposal, including eco-friendly options such as compostability or biodegradation

In addition to the criteria above, you are highly encouraged to highlight any additional material characteristics or performance properties that differentiate your technology including, but not limited to: lightweighting, durability, cushioning, insulation (thermal, vibration, etc.), leak-resistance, and any other properties critical to packaging applications.

Chemical Sensors for High Temperature Environments

On behalf of a consortium of Innovation Seekers in the commercial and government sectors, TechConnect is seeking innovative technologies to detect chemicals (e.g. oxygen, carbon monoxide, NOx, sulfur, and hydrocarbons) at high temperature (exceeding 400°C). Of primary interest for this Sprint are technologies with potential to deliver novel solutions that integrate all aspects of the monitoring process with the aim of survivability in extreme conditions.


TechConnect Ventures welcomes submissions from both the academic and industrial sections which describe innovative new technologies and solutions that are operable in these conditions. Potential solutions of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Novel sensor devices and materials
  • Sensor packaging
  • Advanced electronics
  • Enabling wireless and/or wired communications
  • Miniaturization of sensing systems (without loss of fidelity)
  • Sensors that can also operate at high pressure

In addition to the criteria above, you are highly encouraged to highlight the ability of your technology to operate under high temperature in the presence of other extreme environmental factors (abrasive, erosive, corrosive, etc.).

Business Opportunity

All complete and eligible Entries will be included in an exclusive Innovation Opportunity Report that will be presented to our consortium of innovation-seeking clients and partners. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by consortium members to discuss potential partnership opportunities. Top-rated Entries may also be invited to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.