2020 Food and Beverage Series

Deadline: Year of 2021

The Food and Beverage Sprint Series presents innovation challenges from global food companies seeking to identify technologies, solutions, and experts around topics such as new ingredients, ingredient identification, and regulatory compliance.

Systems Integration Experts For The Food Industry

With the advent of complex modeling and simulation software, manufacturers across numerous industries are able to explore variations and improvements within a digital space before proceeding to physical products, saving money, resources, and time. Global leaders in the food and beverage space sometimes utilize modeling platforms to guide the development and quality control of their products. However, the individual platforms only provide a narrow window of understanding. For instance, food and beverage companies may use one system for modeling the mixing of ingredients to create a consumer-acceptable product while also using a different system for modeling the process control and production steps. Additionally, there may also be a need to build new technology-specific ingredient and formula models where gaps currently exist. The end-goal is to unify the disparate software platforms into a single cohesive system to model the complex interactions between ingredient mixing and process transformations and their impact on consumer acceptability.

To facilitate this, TechConnect’s client, Mondelez, is interested in identifying systems integration experts with extensive knowledge of the food industry. Using their in-depth knowledge of software, processing, and food science, these experts will provide guidance and insight to Mondelez as they work to align and unite these platforms. Mondelez intends to begin engaging with selected experts early in Q1 2023, with an initial focus on their cookie brands. Plans are in place to expand this effort to other products in subsequent years.

Mondelez intends to engage with experts in a consultative capacity but may expand the relationship to encompass other forms of engagement, depending on the capabilities and interests of respondents.

Organizations with software platforms capable of integrating data from multiple simulation sources into a unified model are also of interest to Mondelez.

This is a rapid identification project. Interested experts are strongly encouraged to submit their responses promptly.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and commercial entities (including Start-ups) or technology developers or research organization/university in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight capabilities in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Previous systems integration work for the food industry
  • Specializations, if any:
    • Cookies
    • Chocolates
    • Baked snacks
  • Experience with AI/ML approaches for food science
  • Experience with modeling complex systems including:
    • Process transformations & ingredient interactions to provide a comprehensive overview of the product and its development
    • Predictive performance:
      • Impact on consumer acceptability resulting from changes to ingredients and/or processing
      • Recommendations for modifications (ingredient and/or processing) needed to create product within pre-set consumer acceptability standards

Experts In Mass SPectrometry For Food Analysis

Modern food production depends not only on the knowledge of culinary experts and professional tasters but also on cutting-edge analytical devices and software platforms. The hardware and software provide food companies with a plethora of data points on a variety of parameters such as composition, texture, density, and moisture. Food companies can then combine insights from consumer experiences and preferences to that data set. In short, aligning qualitative information with extensive quantitative data.

For example, gas chromatograph / mass spectrometers (GC/MS) can be used to rapidly deliver tens of thousands of data points for each item evaluated. These devices provide valuable insight into the chemical composition of a food product including how that composition changes with time and location.

TechConnect’s client, a Fortune 500 food company, uses GC/MS devices, in conjunction with analytical software to analyze their products. In particular, the client uses Agilent hardware along with Agilent’s proprietary software to generate large pools of compositional data. Specific tools of interest include:

  • Mass Hunter Professional Profinder
  • Mass Hunter Unknown/Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis

The client is seeking subject matter experts (SMEs) with in-depth knowledge and experience with Agilent software platforms for on-going engagement involving:

  • Processing of raw data such as:
    • Base-line correction
    • Retention time adjustment
  • Creating large sets of processed data
  • Generating comprehensive databases suitable for data mining
  • Extracting insights from databases

The ultimate goal of this effort is to generate actionable information about their food products, leading to new innovations for consumers.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and commercial entities (including Start-ups) or technology developers or research organization/university in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight capabilities in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Experience with:
    • Agilent software tools such as Mass Hunter
    • Processing data sets
    • Compiling databases
    • Gaining insights from databases
  • Previous food products analyzed
  • Ability to provide guidance on existing or new Agilent tools
    • For data integration
    • For data manipulation

Experts In Dough Formulation

When you blend together flour, water, maybe some fat, sugar, or a leavening agent, you create a dough. And depending on the inclusion, exclusion or ratio of ingredients to one another, you create different doughs with different properties, suitable for different products.

Increasing water in a dough can sometimes lead to reductions in fats and vice versa. However, consumer demand for reductions in fat content in baked goods as well as environmental pressures involving water availability have led some food producers to explore alternatives to the water/fat dichotomy.

TechConnect’s client, a multinational cookie and cracker company, is interested in engaging with subject matter experts (SMEs) with in-depth knowledge and experience in ingredients for dough formulation. In particular, the client would like to consult with SMEs who can provide insight and guidance on alternative ingredients that allow for overall reductions in water, fat, or both in doughs while maintaining processability and finished product attributes. While not the primary focus of this project, organizations with novel ingredients or processing equipment which enable the reduction of water and/or fats in cookie and cracker recipes are also of interest.

The client intends to engage with relevant subject matter experts in consultative relationships with the potential for other forms of longer term collaboration. SMEs will be expected to share their expertise with the client regarding topics including:

  • Novel ingredients OR
  • Innovative formats for existing ingredients OR
  • New processing techniques which enable reductions in water and/or fats

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight knowledge or experience in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Relevant experience with reductions in:
    • Water in dough
    • Fat(s) in dough
  • Desired form(s) of engagement
  • Previous or current work on food reformulations especially:
    • Cookies
    • Crackers
  • Type(s) of consultative engagement of interest

Innovations For In-Line Sensor Technology

In the food industry, consistent quality and safety depends on the ability of a manufacturer to have detailed insights into their products. Currently, these quality control checks require stopping the production line and the destructive testing of products. Unsurprisingly, food manufacturers are interested in identifying solutions which would allow for automatic, rapid, and non-destructive testing for a variety of testing parameters.

TechConnect’s client, an international food and beverage corporation with billions in annual revenue, seeks innovations in sensor technology that can deliver in-line measurements of:

  • Water activity in cookies and crackers
  • Bulk salt in cookies and crackers

Currently, samples are taken from the production line and subjected to destructive testing which takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The ideal solution will:

  • Not require halting the production line
  • Be non-contact
  • Be complete in 5 minutes or less
  • Non-destructively provide data to production staff
  • Provide data from multiple target samples

Destructive testing that can be completed within the designated timeframe of 5 minutes is potentially of interest. Additionally, robotic solutions that can automate the testing process may also be of interest to the client.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and commercial entities (including Start-ups) or technology developers or research organization/university in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight capabilities in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Description of proposed approach such as:
    • In-line sensor
    • Robotic technology for automated near-line testing
  • Performance estimates:
    • Scan time
    • Accuracy
    • Precision
  • Suitable type(s) of foods
  • Timeline:
    • Development
    • Deployment
  • Technical maturity (TRL Level)

Experts In Cocoa Beans

First domesticated in the Andes of South America more than 5,000 years ago, cocoa beans have been an important crop ever since, serving as a source of food and drink, as a currency, and as a component in ceremonies. In modern societies, cocoa is processed into chocolate and consumed in a myriad of products: from candy bars to hot chocolate, cookies to cakes.

The client for this project, a global leader in chocolate for snacks and sweets, is seeking to better understand this valuable plant. In particular, the client is seeking subject matter experts with significant knowledge and experience in variations and complexities of the chemistry of cocoa beans occurring due to cocoa genetics, environment, and agronomic factors.

More precisely, the client is seeking to deepen their understanding of chemical changes within the cocoa bean as it develops and the impacts those changes have on fermentation. The client is interested in two stages of the cocoa bean:

  • Pre-harvest
  • Post-harvest up to, but not including fermentation

Potential factors of interest include:

  • Genetics
    • Of any genetic groups, hybrids or varieties 
  • Environmental factors such as:
    • Climate
    • Soil
    • Light:
      • Intensity
      • Duration
  • Agronomy factors such as:
    • Irrigation
    • Fertilization
    • Seasonality
  • Maturation stage of cocoa beans pre-harvest
  • Storage of the cocoa beans prior to fermentation

Experts with knowledge of the chemistry of cocoa beans post-harvest are potentially of interest, provided that the expert can also provide insight into pre-harvest chemistry as well.

SMEs of interest include Chemists & Biochemists, Agronomists, and Plant Physiologists. While the primary focus is on individuals with knowledge of and experience with the cocoa plant, expertise in other similar crops, such as coffee beans, may also be considered if chemical, genetic, or physiological similarities exist. Ideally, an expert will be able to provide deep insight into the interplay and impact between environment, agronomy, variety, and chemistry within the cocoa plant.

The client is interested in consultation with selected SMEs. The client may also consider other forms of collaboration, including literature reviews, which may lead to contract research and ongoing consultative relationships. Interested experts should indicate their preferred types of collaboration in their response.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight knowledge or experience in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Knowledge of cocoa plants
    • Specific varieties (if applicable)
    • Environmental conditions to grow cocoa
    • Agronomy practices
    • Chemistry of cocoa
  • Examples past or on-going work
    • Links to published research or conference papers
  • Specialization in any cocoa compounds such as (if applicable):
    • Acids
    • Alkaloids
    • Carbohydrates
    • Polyphenols
    • Proteins
  • Collaboration types of interest
  • Freedom to provide consultation:
    • Conflicts of interest
    • Availability

Converting Carbohydrates To Crystalline Formats

Mondelez, a global leader in the food and beverage space, is interested in exploring novel formats for food ingredients. In particular, Mondelez would like to investigate crystalline formats for oligosaccharides. Utilizing crystalline carbohydrates will allow the company to experiment using well-established ingredients in different ways to achieve innovative experiences and formats for consumers.

To facilitate this development, Mondelez is interested in collaborating with experts and companies that possess technology to crystallize short to medium chain oligosaccharides (DP 3-5).

All technologies for crystal production are of interest, including those adapted from other industries such as protein crystallization approaches from the pharmaceutical industry. Individuals possessing expertise with crystalline hydrate formation are also welcome to respond to this project. Additionally, all technical maturities that are currently capable of producing carbohydrate crystals are of interest, regardless of production yields at present.

Mondelez intends to engage collaboratively with experts and companies to test multiple oligosaccharides for their crystallization properties and end-use performance. As a consequence, the ideal respondent will be able to conduct research on samples provided or requested by Mondelez. Experts able to proactively make recommendations to Mondelez regarding their crystallization efforts are highly desirable as well.

Subject matter experts able to provide theoretical guidance and insight into crystallization technologies and processes are also of potential interest.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and commercial entities (including Start-ups) or technology developers or research organization/university in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight capabilities in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Overview of proposed technology or process
  • Suitable carbohydrate(s)
  • Estimates for output:
    • Yield
    • Purity
    • Size & distribution
  • Suitability for food applications, if known
  • Technical maturity
  • Ability to conduct experiments

Pulse Ingredients: Research and Innovations

Many food products include wheat or oat flour and sugar in their recipes. These traditional ingredients provide known structural and sensorial impact to products. Consumers are interested in alternative experiences while still retaining their favorite comfort foods. As a consequence, food producers are exploring opportunities to incorporate new, less traditional ingredients. The customer wants these new ingredients included in existing products, without negatively impacting consumer perceptions and experiences, or in entirely new products, delivering new experiences through texture, format, or flavor.

To that end, TechConnect’s client, a global food manufacturer, is interested in exploring alternative ingredients for use in food products. Specifically, the client would like to investigate pulses: legumes grown and harvested exclusively for their dry seeds. Pulses of all types and varieties are of interest, such as:

  • Beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Peas

The client has identified two potential pathways of interest in this project:


Engaging with subject matter experts (SMEs) with deep knowledge to provide guidance and insight into various aspects of pulses in food products, including, but not limited to:

  • Pulse selection
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
  • Format and processing options
  • Nutritional value
    • Including anti-nutritious aspects
  • Performance in food products

Experts will collaborate with the client through consultative engagement and literature reviews. The client may also invite selected SMEs to engage in research on their behalf.


Engaging with commercial enterprises, startups and new/non-traditional suppliers with food-grade pulses. The proposed pulses, in any format, should either:

  • Partially or completely replace existing ingredients OR
  • Enable the creation of new flavor, format or structure in a new food product

All food products are considered, though ingredients suitable for cookies, crackers and extruded foods such as cereals and snacks, are of primary interest. The client is interested in learning about ingredients to use in their production efforts, not finished goods.

While ingredients at or near commercial readiness are highly desirable, the client will also consider less mature solutions with promising performance metrics.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and commercial entities (including Start-ups) or technology developers or research organization/university in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight capabilities in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Expertise:
    • Specialization, if any:
      • Processing
      • Nutrition
      • Impacts on:
        • Flavor
        • Structure
    • Relevant research
    • Ability to conduct research
    • Previous collaborations with industry, if any
  • Product:
    • Proposed pulse(s)
    • Advantages
    • End-use product
    • Technical maturity

Innovative Approaches To Sodium Reduction

Salt, specifically sodium chloride (NaCl), has been a part of human life for millennia. It has been used in religious ceremonies, as a trade commodity, and most importantly, as a preservative and flavor enhancer in food.

Within foods, sodium can appear as a component of an ingredient, such as in a leavening agent, or as an ingredient itself. For example, sodium bicarbonate is a common ingredient that contributes to the overall level of sodium in a baked snack while also playing an important functional role. Other leavening agents may also include sodium as well.

TechConnect’s client, a global Fortune 500 food and beverage company, is interested in exploring innovative approaches and technologies which can significantly reduce sodium usage in and as a topping on baked snacks, with a target reduction of 50% or more. Potential pathways of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Ingredients which enhance consumer perception of saltiness:
    • New formats for existing ingredients
    • Novel new ingredients
  • Leavening technologies:
    • New leavening agents with reduced amounts of sodium
    • Innovative processing technologies that reduce or eliminate the need for leavening agents
  • Application innovations:
    • Novel ingredients or application technologies enabling
      • More consistent topping coverage
      • More precise control of topping application
      • Increased adhesion of topping
      • Reduced usage of sodium as a topping

While the client is aiming to reduce sodium in snacks by 50% or more, all approaches or technologies which provide reductions in sodium are of interest, especially where multiple approaches may be combined or where further reductions may be possible with additional development.

The client is primarily interested in those technologies that are commercially available or nearly so but will also consider earlier stage technologies, provided that a viable pathway to commercialization exists.

Approaches adapted from other industries are of interest if the technology proposed is or can be made food usage compliant. Approaches which incorporate potassium-based technologies or alberger salts are not of interest unless significant improvement in cost or performance can be demonstrated.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and commercial entities (including Start-ups) or technology developers or research organization/university in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight capabilities in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Type of innovation:
    • Chemical:
      • Salt alternative
      • Salt enhancer
      • Leavening agent
      • Adhesion agent
    • Mechanical/Physical
    • Composite: chemical and mechanical/physical
  • Current percentage reduction in sodium
  • Anticipated future reduction in sodium, if any
  • Suitability for:
    • Sweet snacks
    • Savory snacks
    • Other food products
  • Unique or innovative aspects of the approach
  • Sustainability
  • Technical maturity

Experts In Biotechnology For Food

A Fortune 500 multinational food and beverage company is interested in collaborating with experts in the developing fields of:

  • Cellular agriculture OR
  • Precision fermentation OR
  • Synthetic biology OR
  • Biotechnology

Specifically, the client would like to better understand how these approaches might be used in the production of triglycerides for use in food manufacturing. The client is primarily seeking to engage with subject matter experts that possess significant practical knowledge of such approaches or technologies but will also consider those with deep theoretical knowledge as well.

The client is interested in SMEs with knowledge or experience in areas such as:

  • Technical innovations including:
    • Types of triglycerides available by these means
    • Customization potential
    • Production equipment needed
  • Current or anticipated bottlenecks to commercialization
  • Economics:
    • Key drivers of cost
    • Overall economics of such products
  • Sustainability of such approaches, especially versus alternatives
  • Start-ups operating in this space

The initial goal is consultative engagement with relevant SMEs with the potential for additional collaboration including contract research, on-going consultative relationships, joint development, and more. Experts with the capability to engage such collaborations are highly sought.

This is a rapid identification project: submissions will be reviewed by the client on an on-going basis. Interested experts are strongly encouraged to respond promptly.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions from all viable subject matter experts are of interest including those from academia and commercial entities.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Knowledge of:
    • Cellular agriculture OR
    • Precision fermentation OR
    • Synthetic biology OR
    • Biotechnology OR
    • Other relevant approaches or technologies
  • Previous practical work conducted in this space such as:
    • Product(s) developed or tested
    • Work within a food application space
  • Examples of previous research work done including:
    • Links to published research or conference presentations
    • Descriptions of ongoing research
  • Interest or ability to conduct follow-on engagement such as:
    • Contract research
    • Joint development
    • On-going consultation

Innovative Alternatives To Sugar

Regardless of the end product, every compound in a chemical reaction plays a part. The same is true in cooking and baking: every ingredient plays at least one role in the process: modifying viscosity up or down, altering color, adjusting the flavor profile and more.

Some might assume that the only role sugar plays in a food product is to provide sweetness, but it actually impacts other dimensions of the product as well including color, texture, and melting properties. Consequently, replacing sugar is not as simple as replacing one sweetener for another: change the sweetener and additional crucial parameters for consumer experience may also be impacted.

This is the problem modern food scientists are encountering: while some proposed alternatives can provide comparable sweetness to sugar, the other performance attributes are not the same and consumers notice.

The client for this project, a leader in the food and beverage space, is exploring alternative bulking agents (likely soluble fiber) that perform like sugar:

  • Behaves like sugar when used in a food product
    • Texture
    • Melt profile
    • Browning
    • Low Glycemic index
    • Low Calorie/digestion resistant
    • Water Soluble
    • Easy to Crystallize
    • Natural or label friendly
    • Low Hygroscopicity
    • Food safe or potential to be
    • Well Tolerated
  • Not considered to be a sugar by regulatory agencies

Additional performance desirables include:

  • DP 3 – 20
    • Ideally DP 3 – 5
  • Partially or completely indigestible
  • Under 2.5 calories

Proposals describing bulking agents of advanced maturity are of greatest interest, however all technologies that have advanced beyond conceptual stage are of interest.

Representatives from the client team will review and evaluate all proposed technologies. Highly rated respondents will be contacted by TechConnect and invited to pitch their technology to the client.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Description of proposed polysaccharide
  • Anticipated performance compared to sugar:
    • Solubility
    • Melt profile
    • Flavor profile
    • Texture
    • Crystallinity
    • Tg
    • Glycemic index
    • Digestibility/fiber content if known
    • Tolerance if known
  • Anticipated end use(s)
  • Amount available for evaluation
  • Technical maturity

Software Modeling For The Food Industry

Modern chemistry, regardless of the industry, often relies as much on computer modeling and simulation, so called in silico experiments, as it does on physical compounds in test tubes on a lab bench. High fidelity simulations allow researchers to explore new compounds and reactions more efficiently and without the waste associated with practical experiments.

The Food and Beverage space is no different. By incorporating modeling and simulation platforms into their research and development efforts, Food & Beverage companies can optimize food products for a myriad of parameters or explore variations in ingredients.

TechConnect Ventures’ client, a leader in the Food and Beverage space, is seeking modeling and simulation platforms that will enable them to conduct in silico experiments. In particular, the client is interested in those technologies which will allow them to explore, model and design innovative new bulking agents for use in their products.

Proposed technologies should allow for modeling and simulation of a diverse range of bulking agents that are preferably DP 3-5 units including, but not limited to those made from:

  • Fructose
  • Glucose
  • Galactose
  • Other monosaccharide units

While mature technologies are of greatest interest, earlier stage technologies will be considered, if there is a viable pathway to implementation.

Representatives from the client team will review and evaluate all proposed technologies. Highly rated respondents will be contacted by TechConnect and invited to pitch their technology to the client.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Description of proposed simulation platform
  • Ability to predict the following attributes :
    • Solubility
    • Glass Transition
    • Easy to Crystallize
    • Natural
    • Glycemic Index
    • Hygroscopicity
    • Sweetness
    • Toxicology
    • Reducing ends
    • Tolerance
    • Digestibility
  • Oligosaccharides or bulking agents modeled
  • Ability to expand modeling library:
    • to other bulking agents
    • to other ingredients
  • Access method
    • Local / on premise
    • Cloud
    • SaaS
  • Technical maturity

Alternatives For Titanium Dioxide In Food

What do sunscreens, tattoos, plastics, and the Saturn V rocket all have in common?

The answer is Titanium Dioxide.

Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is an inorganic mined material that has found applications across many spaces including in coatings, paints, sunscreens, and food. In powder form, TiO2 can be used to increase opacity and to add or improve color. Powdered TiO2 is found in a large number of consumer products such as toothpaste, frostings, powdered food products, dairy products and more.

To diversify their ingredient portfolio, TechConnect Ventures’ client, an international food and beverage corporation with billions in annual revenue, is seeking alternatives to TiO2. In particular, the client is interested in learning about alternatives to TiO2 that have been or could be adapted from other application spaces such as:

  • Personal care
  • Paints and coatings
  • Ceramics and other engineered materials

Any proposed technology must be capable of:

  • Remaining in a liquid suspension
  • Avoiding settling
  • Providing desired optical effects:
    • Opacity
    • Color
  • Approval for usage in food and beverages

Potential pathways of interest include:

  • Organizations possessing or developing new, novel food-grade alternatives to titanium dioxide
    • Innovative processing techniques for existing materials are also of interest
  • Subject matter experts (SMEs) capable of providing guidance on selection of food-grade alternatives to titanium dioxide through:
    • Consultative engagement OR
    • Joint development OR
    • Contract research

While the client is primarily interested in commercial technologies, early-stage approaches are still of interest, provided that any proposed technology would likely be ready for commercial implementation within an 18 month timeframe.

The client is not interested in approaches that utilize calcium carbonate or similar chemistries. Likewise, technologies utilizing nanoparticles of any composition are out of scope.

The client team will evaluate all submissions and top-rated respondents will be invited by TechConnect to a pitch event wherein they will have the opportunity to interact with the client.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Anticipated performance of proposed technology in:
    • Powdered beverages and/or
    • Confectionary products and/or
    • Other food products
  • Current or anticipated regulatory status
  • Anticipated annual volume
  • Anticipated per unit cost
  • Technical maturity

Subject Matter Experts In FDA Import Regulations

Global supply, production and delivery chains deliver materials and finished products from one side of the world to the other and over adjoining borders. Foods, beverages, snacks, and candies are no different.

In the United States of America, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the federal agency charged with ensuring all imported consumables meet established safety guidelines.

TechConnect Ventures’ client, an international food and beverage corporation with billions in annual revenue, is interested in consultative relationships with experienced and knowledgeable experts regarding the FDA. Specifically, the client is seeking individuals and organizations with expertise in all relevant regulations governing the importation of goods from non-US production facilities.

Types of food products to be imported include, but are not limited to:

  • Confectionary goods
    • Cakes
    • Candies
    • Biscuits / Cookies
    • Gums
  • Beverages
    • Liquid beverages
    • Powdered beverages

Subject matter experts interested in consultative engagement with a highly motivated and engaged client partner are strongly encouraged to submit a brief, non-confidential description of their background and expertise in this area.

The client team will evaluate all submissions and top-rated respondents will be invited by TechConnect to a pitch event wherein SMEs will have the opportunity to interact with the client.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active consultants and/or experts in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key expertise and knowledge in their Submission including:

  • Knowledge and/or experience with FDA importation guidelines
  • Relevant previous food/beverage importation experience
  • Desired consultation rate in U.S. dollars

Crystalline Carbohydrates For Foods

Carbohydrates, in addition to enhancing the flavor of food products, also impact the texture and mouthfeel. The wrong carbohydrate, or a carbohydrate in the wrong format, can result in a product that is judged poorly by consumers for multiple experiential factors. As a consequence, the selection of carbohydrates is crucial to achieving an enjoyable experience.

Mondelez International, a global leader in beverages, snacks and confectionary products, is using this project to explore innovations in carbohydrate technologies. Specifically, Mondelez is seeking crystalline fiber forms of oligosaccharides.

All oligosaccharides that can meet the following performance will be considered:

  • Trisaccharides or larger (DP3+)
  • Crystalline format or the ability to crystallize
  • Soluble in water

Mondelez is open to exploring all suitable technologies. Potential pathways of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Novel oligosaccharides such as:
    • High purity oligosaccharide crystals
    • Mixtures or blends of different crystalline oligosaccharides
    • Crystals containing multiple relevant oligosaccharides
  • Innovative processing techniques for existing oligosaccharides resulting in:
    • Increased purity OR
    • Reduced production costs OR
    • Other production / performance enhancements
  • Oligosaccharides adapted from other applications, including, but not limited to:
    • Prebiotics (regardless of success or failure of prebiotic efficacy)
    • Nutritional supplements

Mondelez welcomes responses from all individuals and organizations with technologies of interest, including academic researchers and corporate entities. Technologies of all maturities will be considered, provided that a viable pathway to commercialization and implementation can be determined.

Representatives from the Mondelez team will review and evaluate all proposed technologies. Highly rated respondents will be contacted by TechConnect and invited to pitch their technology to Mondelez.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Type of oligosaccharide(s)
  • Formfactor:
    • Format
    • Size
  • Anticipated solubility in water
  • Anticipated end usage:
    • Beverages
    • Confectionary products
    • Snacks
    • Other food products
  • Anticipated annual production volume
  • Current regulatory status
  • Technical maturity


All complete and eligible Entries will be included in an exclusive Innovation Opportunity Report that will be presented to our client. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by either TechConnect or the client to discuss potential partnership opportunities, including – but not limited to – demonstrations, consulting, contract research, licensing, and more. Top rated Entries may also be invited to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.