2020 Coatings Series Round Two

Deadline: Year of 2020

The Coatings Sprint Series presents rapid identification challenges seeking creative and next-generation technologies for usage in coatings, paints, formulations and related technologies for treatment of surfaces. This Sprint Series targets strategic themes to advance technology development commercialization around areas such as innovation, performance, sustainability, new materials, and novel end-uses, products and applications.

Technologies Enabling High Solids & Low VOC for Coatings

In support of a global leader in coatings technology, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing coatings or polymers that enable low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) while still maintaining adequate application viscosity and film durability. In particular, the client is interested in technologies that support the development of coatings with higher solids. Acceptable solutions can include near 100% solids approaches (near solvent-free) or high solids water-based (at least 60% volume solids in water). All approaches need to be under 100 g/L VOC.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Suitability for use in:
    • Water-based coating systems OR
    • Solvent-based coating systems
  • Desired properties of the coating:
    • Maximum VOC less than 100g/L
    • Weight solids: minimum 60% in water or near 100% in solvent-based systems
  • Suitability for use in a high build coating system
    • Ideally, more than 6 mils wet thickness per coat
  • Applicability to single component or two component coatings systems

The technology must not incorporate any exempt solvents in the proposed solution.

Any proposed technology must not have negative impacts on the appearance or performance of the final film surface. As with other Sprints in this Series, the client is not interested in solutions utilizing microplastics or materials of health or environmental concern.

Green Technologies for Coatings

In support of a global leader in coatings technology, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing compounds that improve the sustainability profile of the finished coating. In particular, the client is interested in materials that are derived from either bio-based sources or recycled materials.

In particular, the client has identified three distinct goals for this Sprint: sustainably sourced compounds that:

  1. Directly replace existing compounds derived from fossil fuels OR
  2. Provide cost benefits versus compounds derived from fossil fuels OR
  3. Provide novel functionality for coatings

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Suitability for use in:
    • Water-based coating systems AND/OR
    • Solvent-based coating systems
  • Function within a formulation
    • Additive
    • Binder
    • Emulsifier
    • Extender
    • Pigment
    • Solvent
  • Anticipated role:
    • Replace existing compound OR
    • Cost savings OR
    • New compound

While the client is interested in technologies capable of replacing existing compounds or technologies new to the coatings field, any proposed technology must be in a form factor suitable for formulation into paints/coatings. Furthermore, the client is not interested in solutions utilizing microplastics or materials of health or environmental concern.

Ultra UV Protection Technologies

In support of a global leader in coatings technology, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing technologies that provide next level ultraviolet (UV) protection for coatings. The client is interested in learning about new compounds (polymers or other additives) that provide enhanced resistance to gloss or color fade.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Suitability for use in:
    • Water-based coating systems OR
    • Solvent-based coating systems
  • Impact on:
    • Gloss fade due to UV exposure
    • Color fade due to UV exposure

The client is not interested in solutions utilizing compounds of environmental or health concern.


All complete and eligible Entries will be included in an exclusive Innovation Opportunity Report that will be presented to our client. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by either TechConnect or the client to discuss potential partnership opportunities, including – but not limited to – demonstrations, consulting, contract research, licensing, and more. Top-rated Entries may also be invited to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.