2020 Coatings Series Round Three

Deadline: Year of 2020

The Coatings Sprint Series presents rapid identification challenges seeking creative and next-generation technologies for usage in coatings, paints, formulations and related technologies for treatment of surfaces. This Sprint Series targets strategic themes to advance technology development commercialization around areas such as innovation, performance, sustainability, new materials, and novel end-uses, products and applications.

Air Purifying Compounds for Coatings

In support of a global leader in coatings technology, TechConnect Ventures is calling for Entries describing novel and unique compounds that, when added to a coating, allow the finished paint film to capture, sequester, or break down unwanted airborne contaminants.

To improve air quality within a given space, the client is focused on two different aspects of air purification. Solutions that address either of these applications are acceptable:

  1. Eliminating air pollution or odors which can impact the health or wellbeing of occupants of that space
  2. Eliminating harmful gases which have the potential to damage the substrate underneath the coating

These contaminants may include, but are not limited to:

  • Cigar/cigarette odors
  • Pet odors or dander
  • Particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5)
  • Gases associated with various industrial processes such as:
    • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
    • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
    • Formaldehyde (CH20)
    • Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
    • Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
    • Ozone (O3)
    • Sulfur oxides (SOx)

The client is also interested in technologies that capture other atmospheric contaminants as well but approaches that seek to capture or destroy microbial or viral contaminants are not within the scope of this Sprint.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Contaminant(s) absorbed
  • Suitability for usage in a coating
  • Unique aspects of the proposed technology

The client is interested in approaches designed for the coatings field as well as ones adapted from other industries. Furthermore, as the client is already familiar with existing commercial absorption technologies, they are primarily interested in those approaches that present novel performance, either in terms of efficiency or capability.

Approaches utilizing microplastics or materials of health or environmental concern are not of interest to the client and are out of scope for this Sprint.

Futuristic Coatings Application Innovations

In support of a global leader in coatings technology, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing innovations in equipment for the application of coatings to substrates. The client is primarily interested in learning about unique or novel advancements to applicators and related equipment. With a vision of the future, the client is highly interested in unique collaboration opportunities around printable coatings, robots with controlled overspray, and other advanced application methods.

The desired applicator innovations could focus on DIY painters, painting contractors or industrial coatings applications. Approaches of potential interest include:

  • DIY or Contractor:
    • Create less mess
    • Faster and easier process
    • Generation of:
      • Customizable colors or designs
      • Unique textures
  • Industrial:
    • Reduction in wasted paint
    • Increased transfer efficiency
    • Reduction in labor costs
    • Faster throughput
    • Generation of:
      • Customizable colors or designs
      • Uniques textures

Technologies or approaches that allow for high precision control of film thickness are of particular interest to the client, regardless of the ultimate end-user.

Technologies from across the coatings equipment industry are of interest as well as those technologies adapted from other industries. The client is open to fundamental collaboration opportunities in this space even around applications that may not have yet been demonstrated.

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, as are ideas from equipment manufacturers outside the paints and coatings industry, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Intended end-user(s):
    • DIY
    • Contractor
    • Industrial
  • Advantage(s) of proposed technology
  • Description of how the technology can take the painting process into the next generation addressing some of the potential interest areas laid out above

Innovations in Coatings Applicator Cleaning

In support of a global leader in coatings technology, TechConnect is calling for Entries describing innovations that increase the speed, efficiency, or effectiveness of cleaning applicators (brushes/rollers) following the application of a coating. The goal is to identify those approaches that make it easier for an individual to clean their applicators (brushes/rollers), using less water, while maintaining application efficiency.

The client is interested in technologies or approaches including, but not limited to:

  • Efficient, water-miscible, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions
  • Treatments to applicator surfaces (such as brush bristles)
    • Pre-application treatments OR
    • Post-application treatments
  • Modifications to the fibers used in applicators:
    • Novel fiber materials that are easy to clean but maintain application performance

The proposed cleaning innovations should focus on enhancing cleanability of brushes containing residual water-based paints using minimal water, and must be environmentally friendly solutions..

The goal of this sprint is to facilitate contact and interactions between the Sprint sponsor and active researchers or technology developers in this space. Submissions and novel concepts from individuals and organizations in academia and research are of significant interest, but all viable technology providers are invited to respond for potential commercial opportunities with the client.


Solvers submitting an Entry are encouraged to highlight key innovation areas in their Submission that meet criteria including:

  • Target applicator type (brush, roller, both)
  • Type of approach
    • Cleaning solution?
    • Fiber modification?
    • Bristle treatment?
  • Description of approach
  • Imagined water savings during cleaning
  • Imagined time savings during cleaning
  • Any data to support commercial solutions, though the client is very interested in early stage technologies as well


All complete and eligible Entries will be included in an exclusive Innovation Opportunity Report that will be presented to our client. Solvers with well-matched capabilities may be contacted directly by either TechConnect or the client to discuss potential partnership opportunities, including – but not limited to – demonstrations, consulting, contract research, licensing, and more. Top-rated Entries may also be invited to register or participate in an upcoming TechConnect event or pitch program.