Innovation Spotlight: Electric Current and Magnetic Field Imaging System

February 21, 2018 09:21 PM EST By: Regina Ramazzini

This technology is a non-contact device that can image electric current and three dimensional magnetic field in real time.

In electric circuits, moving electrons in wires or on circuit boards often carry electric charges. Charge can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in plasma. Currently, there is no known “non-contact” device capable of imaging electric current or magnetic field.    This technology is a non-contact device that can image electric current and magnetic field in real time. It uses an array of sensors originally developed to image magnetic field in three dimensions. This magnetic field device has been developed and the next step is increasing the power and frequency of the sensor array to image electric field. Prototypes have been developed on a circuit board, and the next step will be to integrate it into a handheld device.


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